Long-lived (180 Myr) ductile flow within the Great Slave Lake shear zone
The Great Slave Lake shear zone (GSLsz) is a type example for deeply eroded continental transform boundaries located in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Formed during the oblique convergence of the Archean Rae and Slave cratons, the GSLsz has accommodated up to 700 km of dextral shear, however, the timing and duration of ductile deformation have not yet been directly constrained. New results of in situ U-Pb apatite and titanite geochronology from samples collected across the shear zone record a near-continuous history of ductile shear spanning ca. 1920–1740 Ma, with strain initially being accommodated along two coeval fault strands and later localizing along existing crustal structures during cooling and exhumation