Baffled by Baffles: Modelling and Evaluating the Effects of Internal Heterogeneity in Wave-dominated, Shallow-marine Reservoirs
Shallow marine successions make for excellent oil and gas reservoirs worldwide and are particularly important as carbon capture and storage targets. Although usually very noble reservoirs, their internal heterogeneities can have a significant impact on fluid flow under certain conditions. Even so, there are not many available efficient methods to model such heterogeneities. The general aim of this talk is to show how baffles or barriers in shallow-marine wave-dominated reservoirs can be modelled by the GEOPARD algorithm, allowing for the evaluation of their effects on fluid flow using the Eclipse 100 simulator. This is achieved by (i) modeling an outcropping shallow marine succession with Truncated Gaussian Simulation and GEOPARD, showing the differences between the traditional and the newly developed method, (ii) showing how to set up an experimental design in ECLIPSE, designed to evaluate the effect of geological heterogeneity in fluid flow and (iii) comparing the impact of modelling and not modelling heterogeneities; helping us realize if it’s worthwhile to be ‘baffled by baffles’.