Haakon Fossen
The usual place Room 2G16c, 2nd floor, Realfabyyget, 41 Allégaten, Bergen, NorwayThe Pan-African Araçuai-West Congo belt (Brazil/W Africa) and why it needs revision, with references to the Caledonides and Himalayas.
The Pan-African Araçuai-West Congo belt (Brazil/W Africa) and why it needs revision, with references to the Caledonides and Himalayas.
NetworkGT: A GIS tool for Geometric and Topological Analysis of two-dimensional Fracture Networks Björn Nyberg, Casey Nixon Dimensions, arrangements, and interactions of individual fractures form fracture networks that control the mechanical and fluid flow properties of rock masses. Here …
The Dolomite Problem (i.e. the question of how the large quantities of dolomite observed in the geological record formed in the absence of equivalent modern environments).
Evolution of sedimentary systems with human activity Society develops in response to sedimentary systems. At the same time these systems are increasingly modified by society. For example, management of hydrological systems to meet water resource demands (e.g., dams, canals, weirs, …
How do normal faults grow? In this geolunch talk, Atle will tell us about how he and some of his friends/co-authors decided to have a stab at figuring out how normal faults actually grow while he was on sabbatical in New …
Source-to-sink in a western Norwegian fjord: How does landslides, floods and grinding glaciers influence sediment supply in the Holocene? Thomas Thuesen, William Helland-Hansen, Christian Haug Eide, Haflidi Haflidason, Atle Nesje Western Norwegian fjord-valley systems represent archives of changes in …
This is not properly speaking a geolunch. The meeting is held in conjunction with the 2019 Annual national conference on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a collaboration between Academia Europaea and the UiB Program for Climate and Energy …
The Pyrenean orogen: new insights into plate convergence Over the last 10 years a number of major research projects have focused on the Pyrenean orogen and adjacent areas. These projects are providing new insights into many aspects of orogenesis. The …
The impact of abrupt and progressive margin tilting upon passive margin salt basins Zhiyuan Ge1, Michael Warsitzka2, 3, Matthias Rosenau3 and Rob L. Gawthorpe1 1 Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Allégaten 41, 5007 Bergen, Norway 2 Institute of …
Supercritical and superheated geothermal systems in Iceland - Insight from field cases Deep drilling in high-temperature geothermal systems by the Iceland Deep Drilling (IDDP) project is aimed at increasing the power output of high-temperature geothermal fields by an order of …