Thilo Wrona
The usual place Room 2G16c, 2nd floor, Realfabyyget, 41 Allégaten, Bergen, NorwaySoon...
Impacts of Pre-Salt Relief on Differential Translation, Diapirism and Post-Salt Tectono-Stratigraphy
From small and cold to large and hot orogens: How do they grow and what are the influences of extensional inheritance and surface processes? Authors: Sebastian G. Wolf, Ritske S. Huismans, Peter van der Beek In this geolunch I will …
Long-term coupling and feedbacks between surface processes and tectonics during rifting: from proximal to distal domains Thomas Theunissen, Ritske S. Huismans Whereas significant efforts have been made to understand the relationship between mountain building and surface processes, limited research has …
First insights into stratigraphic architecture in proximal deepwater syn-rift sediments in the hanging-wall of a rift margin border fault Tim Cullen (VISTA Visitor from University of Leeds , PhD Student in the Syn Rift Systems Group) Syn-rift deep-water sands represent …
Large scale organization of melt focusing beneath mid-ocean ridges using new open-sourced two phase M3LT models Author: Joyce Shi Sim Magmatism at mid-ocean ridges generates new oceanic crust and accounts for 90% of global volcanism. The oceanic crust is emplaced …
Evolution of the Brazilian continental margin and the link with Neoproterozoic orogens Prof. Monica Heilbron (GeoAtlantico institute) On research gate: here
The Mariana mining dam rupture: isotope tracing of the iron rich mud from the largest environmental accident on Nov 2015 along the Doce River and adjacent marine environments. Prof. Claudio Valeriano On research gate: here
Principal component analysis of seismic facies Thilo Wrona Seismic facies analyses are fundamental to the study of sedimentary, tectonic and magmatic systems using seismic reflection data. These analyses generally assume that seismic facies are: (1) well defined, (2) distinct and …