Kathrin Spieker
The usual place Room 2G16c, 2nd floor, Realfabyyget, 41 Allégaten, Bergen, NorwayTITLE: Moho depth variations beneath the Azores Islands
TITLE: Moho depth variations beneath the Azores Islands
Fault interactions and associated damage D.C.P. Peacock1, C.W. Nixon1, A. Rotevatn1 & D.J. Sanderson2 1 Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Allégaten 41, 5007 Bergen, Norway 2 Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. …
Did the Earth move for you? From tsunami earthquakes to slow slip By Rebecca Bell Faculty of Engineering, Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK ABSTRACT: Over the last couple of decades we have learned that a whole …
Long-term coupling and feedbacks between surface processes and tectonics during rifting Thomas Theunissen, Ritske Huismans University of Bergen, Department of Earth Science , Allegaten, 41 5020 Bergen Whereas significant efforts have been made to understand the relationship between mountain building and surfaces …
We have visitors in the Geodynamics group so we will be running a small workshop on rifting from 10.00 to 14.30 in the PhD lunchroom (3rd floor). You can find the tentative program below. 10.00-10.45: Jan Inge Faleide (UiO): North Atlantic …
TITLE: From orogen to rifted passive margin formation in Brazil: numerical geodynamic modeling considering structural inheritance, rheology and lithospheric structure ABSTRACT: Structural inheritance is related to mechanical weaknesses in the lithosphere due to previous tectonic events, e.g. rifting, subduction and collision. The …
Title: Seismic-scale architecture of deep-seated igneous intrusions in a sedimentary basin: Jameson Land, East Greenland Abstract: Igneous sills are common components in rifted sedimentary basins globally. Much work has focussed on intrusions emplaced at relatively shallow paleodepths (0-1.5 km). However, due …
Title: Isostatic and dynamic support of high passive margin topography in southern Scandinavia Abstract: Substantial controversy surrounds the origin and recent evolution of high topography along passive continental margins in the North Atlantic, with suggested age of formation ranging from …
Title: Modelling and processing of flexural ice waves Abstract: One of the most common problems with seismic data obtained in Arctic environments is the presence of so-called flexural ice wave noise on the seismic raw data. Flexural wave noise occurs …
Title: Transient landscape development in the central Italian Apennines: Assessment of controlling factors using surface process modelling