Martin Kjenes
Martin Kjenes coming soon...
Martin Kjenes coming soon...
Albina Gilmullina coming soon...
Helene Stemland coming soon...
Along strike variability of structural style and evolution of the South Viking Graben and western flank of the Utsira High James Opemipo Olomo
Far from home: Facies architecture of distal delta wedges across a wide ramp (Lower Cretaceous, Svalbard) Mads E. Jelby
Assessing managed aquifer recharge as a sustainable measure for groundwater management – An application for Grand Bahama Anne Imig A large storm surge caused by Hurricane Dorian in 2019 resulted in saltwater intrusion into the aquifers of Grand Bahama Island. …
Geomorphology of normal fault footwalls and fault scarps: Greater Tampen Spur Area, northern North Sea Enry Horas Sihombing Late Jurassic rifting in the Greater Tampen Spur area created a network of major normal faults, the footwall crests and fault scarps …
Non-linear inverse scattering in anisotropic elastic media using a modified Born iterative method Kui Xang Estimating an accurate subsurface model of the Earth is crucial for identifying the locations of reservoirs. With the development of long offsets and wide azimuth …
Long-lived (180 Myr) ductile flow within the Great Slave Lake shear zone Dana Silerova The Great Slave Lake shear zone (GSLsz) is a type example for deeply eroded continental transform boundaries located in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Formed during the …
Exploring subsurface by means of a generalization of Dix’ classic time-to-depth mapping method Jokhongir Khayrullaev Primary goal of ongoing the research work is to develop new tools in compressional waves (P-waves) domain for exploring the subsurface by means of a …